Recursive Set is Turing Computable

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Let $f: S \to \set {0, 1}$, where $S \subseteq \N$, be a recursive function.

Let $\sqbrk x$ denote the reverse of the base-$2$ representation of $x$, possibly with additional $0$ at the end.

That is, if the base-$2$ representation of $x$ is
$\sqbrk {r_m r_{m - 1} \dotsm r_1 r_0}_2$
then $\sqbrk x$ is:
$r_0 r_1 \dotsm r_{m - 1} r_m 0 \dotsm 0$

There exists a Turing machine such that:

  • The input symbols of the machine are $\set {0, 1}$
  • The machine accepts the language $\set {\sqbrk x : \map f x = 1}$
  • The machine halts on $\sqbrk x$ if and only if $x \in S$


By Recursive Function is URM Computable, there is a URM program that computes $f$.

By Normalized URM Program, let $P$ be the normalization of it.

Let $k = \map \rho P$ be the highest register number used by $P$.

Construct the $k + 1$-tape Turing machine $T$ as follows, where $\map \rho P$ is the highest register number used by $P$.

For the purposes of this proof, the tapes will be labeled from $0$ to $k$.


The symbols of $T$ will be $\set {B, 0, 1}$, where $B$ is the blank symbol.


Define the function:

$\map \ell i = \begin{cases}
 1 & \text {if line } i \text { is a } \texttt {Zero} \text { or a } \texttt{Succ} \text { command} \\
 3 & \text {if line } i \text { is a } \texttt {Copy} \text { command} \\
 4 & \text {if line } i \text { is a } \texttt {Jump} \text { command}


There will be $\ds 5 + \sum_{i = 1}^{\map \lambda P} \map \ell i$ states in $T$.

Specifically, there will be:

  • Five states $q_0, q_1, q_2, q_{\map \lambda P + 1, 1}, q_F$
  • For each $i$, states $q_{i,j}$ such that $1 \le j \le \map \ell i$

The start state is $q_0$, and the accepting state is $q_F$.


We will encode the registers of the URM program $P$ as an instantaneous description where, for every $i$:

$T_i = 0 B B \dotsm B q B$

where there $r_i$ copies of $B$ (including the one to the right of $q$).

The lines of $P$ will be encoded as the states $q_{i,1}$.


Before the emulations of $P$ can begin, we first decode the base-$2$ number on tape $0$ onto tape $1$, resulting in the first encoding.

$\map \delta {q_0, s, B, B, \dotsc, B} = \tuple {q_1, s, 0, 0, \dotsc, 0, S, S, S, \dotsc, S}$ for each $s \in \set {B, 0, 1}$
Write a $0$ on every tape $\ge 1$. This encodes all the registers being $0$.
$\map \delta {q_1, B, s, 0, \dotsc, 0} = \tuple {q_{1,1}, B, s, 0, \dotsc, 0, S, S, S, \dotsc, S}$ for $s \in \set {B, 0}$
If we have finished decoding tape $0$, start the emulation at line $1$.
$\map \delta {q_1, 0, s, 0, \dotsc, 0} = \tuple {q_1, 0, s, 0, \dotsc, 0, R, S, S, \dotsc, S}$ for $s \in \set {B, 0}$
Move right so long as we keep finding $0$. This process stops when we find a $1$, or a $B$.
$\map \delta {q_1, 1, s, 0, \dotsc, 0} = \tuple {q_2, 0, s, 0, \dotsc, 0, L, R, S, \dotsc, S}$ for $s \in \set {B, 0}$
Add one to tape $1$ and begin decrementing the binary number.
$\map \delta {q_2, B, s, 0, \dotsc, 0} = \tuple {q_1, B, s, 0, \dotsc, 0, R, S, S, \dotsc, S}$ for $s \in \set {B, 0}$
If we have finished decrementing, loop back to the decoding process.
$\map \delta {q_2, 0, s, 0, \dotsc, 0} = \tuple {q_2, 1, s, 0, \dotsc, 0, L, S, S, \dotsc, S}$ for $s \in \set {B, 0}$
In order to decrement, subtract $2^p$ and add back $2^1 + 2^2 + \dotso + 2^{p - 1}$, which means incrementing each $0$ below the $1$ we removed.

This effectively converts the binary number on tape $0$ to unary on tape $1$.

Note that after this process is complete, tape $0$ is scanning $B$. So long as it is not moved again (which it will not be), it will keep scanning $B$.


For each $i \le \map \lambda P$, define the following transitions to maintain the encoding:

If line $i$ is $\map Z n$:

$\map \delta {q_{i,1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_i = B, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_{i,1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_k, S, S, \dotsc, d_i = L, \dotsc, S}$
If the $n$-th tape reads $B$, move it $L$; repeat.
$\map \delta {q_{i,1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_i = 0, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_{i + 1,1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_k, S, S, \dotsc, S}$
If it reads $0$, we advance to the next line.

In this manner, the $n$-th tape is moved to description $q 0$, which is the encoding for $0$.

If line $i$ is $\map S n$:

$\map \delta {q_{i,1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_{i + 1,1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_k, S, S, \dotsc, d_n = R, \dotsc, S}$
Move the $n$-th tape $R$ and advance to the next line.

This simply updates $0 B B \dotsm B q B$ to $0 B B \dotsm B B q B$, which encodes $r_n + 1$.

If line $i$ is $\map C {m,n}$ and $m = n$:

$\map \delta {q_{i,1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_{i + 1,1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_k, S, S, \dotsc, S}$
Advance to the next line.

As a copy from a register to itself has no effect on the state, so we simply do nothing.

If line $i$ is $\map C {m,n}$ and $m \ne n$:

$\map \delta {q_{i,1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_n = B, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_{i,1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_k, S, S, \dotsc, d_n = L, \dotsc, S}$
If the $n$-th tape reads $B$, move it $L$; repeat.
$\map \delta {q_{i,1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_m = 0, \dotsc, s_n = 0, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_{i + 1,1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_k, S, S, \dotsc, S}$
If both tapes $m$ and $n$ read $0$, advance to the next line.
$\map \delta {q_{i,1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_m = B, \dotsc, s_n = 0, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_{i,2}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s'_m = 0, \dotsc, s'_n = 0, \dotsc, s_k, S, S, \dotsc, d_m = L, \dotsc, d_n = R, \dotsc, S}$
If neither of the above hold, write a $0$ on tape $m$, move it left, and move tape $n$ right. Enter the next part of the procedure.
$\map \delta {q_{i,2}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_m = B, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_{i,2}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_k, S, \dotsc, d_m = L, \dotsc, d_n = R, \dotsc, S}$
So long as $s_m \ne 0$, move it $L$, and move tape $n$ $R$.
$\map \delta {q_{i,2}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_m = 0, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_{i,3}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_k, S, S, \dotsc, d_m = R, \dotsc, S}$
When $s_m = 0$, move tape $m$ to the right and enter the final part of the procedure.
$\map \delta {q_{i,3}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_m = B, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_{i,3}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_k, S, S, \dotsc, d_m = R, \dotsc, S}$
While $s_m \ne 0$, move it $R$.
$\map \delta {q_{i,3}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_m = 0, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_{i + 1,1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s'_m = B, \dotsc, s_k, S, S, \dotsc, S}$
When $s_m = 0$ is found, write $B$ and advance to the next line.

$C$ is performed by first setting tape $n$ to zero, then adding $m$ to $n$. $q_{i,1}$ is exactly the same as for $Z$, producing the first effect. If $m$ is zero itself, we have nothing else to do, so we move on. If not:

  1. Mark the current position on $m$ with a second $0$, in addition to the pre-set one.
  2. Move $m$ to the left until we reach the pre-set $0$, moving $n$ at the same time. This adds the value of $m$ to $n$, as intended.
  3. Restore the value of $m$ by moving it back to the marked position on the right.

Since we already checked for $r_m = 0$, the two positions are guaranteed to be distinct, and so we will always encounter a mark when we expect one.

If line $i$ is $\map J {m, n, j}$ and $m = n$:

$\map \delta {q_{i,1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_{j,1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_k, S, S, \dotsc, S}$
Jump to the coded line.

If line $i$ is $\map J {m, n, j}$ and $m \ne n$:

$\map \delta {q_{i,1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_m = 0, \dotsc, s_n = 0, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_{j,1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_k, S, S, \dotsc, S}$
If $s_m$ and $s_n$ are both scan $0$, jump to the coded line.
$\map \delta {q_{i,1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_m = 0, \dotsc, s_n = B, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_{i + 1, 1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_k, S, S, \dotsc, S}$
$\map \delta {q_{i,1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_m = B, \dotsc, s_n = 0, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_{i + 1, 1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_k, S, S, \dotsc, S}$
If one of $s_m$ and $s_n$ is $0$, and the other does not, advance to the next line.
$\map \delta {q_{i,1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_m = B, \dotsc, s_n = B, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_{i,2}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s'_m = 0, \dotsc, s'_n = 0, \dotsc, s_k, S, S, \dotsc, d_m = L, \dotsc, d_n = L, \dotsc, S}$
If both scan $B$, write $0$ to their current positions and move $L$, entering the next part.
$\map \delta {q_{i,2}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_m = B, \dotsc, s_n = B, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_{i,2}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_k, S, S, \dotsc, d_m = L, \dotsc, d_n = L, \dotsc, S}$
If both tapes $m$ and $n$ continue to scan $B$, move them both $L$.
$\map \delta {q_{i,2}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_m = 0, \dotsc, s_n = B, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_{i,4}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_k, S, S, \dotsc, d_m = R, \dotsc, d_n = R, \dotsc, S}$
$\map \delta {q_{i,2}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_m = B, \dotsc, s_n = 0, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_{i,4}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_k, S, S, \dotsc, d_m = R, \dotsc, d_n = R, \dotsc, S}$
If the tapes $m$ and $n$ are scanning $B$ and $0$; that is, different symbols, then switch to part $4$ and move them right.
$\map \delta {q_{i,2}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_m = 0, \dotsc, s_n = 0, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_{i,3}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_k, S, S, \dotsc, d_m = R, \dotsc, d_n = R, \dotsc, S}$
If tapes $m$ and $n$ scan $0$ at the same time, switch to part $3$ and move them right.
$\map \delta {q_{i,3}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_m = B, \dotsc, s_n = B, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_{i,3}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_k, S, S, \dotsc, d_m = R, \dotsc, d_n = R, \dotsc, S}$
$\map \delta {q_{i,4}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_m = B, \dotsc, s_n = B, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_{i,4}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_k, S, S, \dotsc, d_m = R, \dotsc, d_n = R, \dotsc, S}$
In either of the final parts, while the tapes are scanning $B$, move them right.
$\map \delta {q_{i,3}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_m = 0, \dotsc, s_n = 0, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_{j,1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_m = B, \dotsc, s_n = B, \dotsc, s_k, S, S, \dotsc, S}$
$\map \delta {q_{i,4}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_m = 0, \dotsc, s_n = 0, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_{i + 1,1}, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_m = B, \dotsc, s_n = B, \dotsc, s_k, S, S, \dotsc, S}$
If both tapes scan $0$, erase those symbols. If in part $3$, jump to the coded line. In part $4$, advance to the next line.

Before comparing the values of the two tapes, a few special cases are checked:

  • If we are comparing a register to itself, we will always need to jump. Do that immediately.
  • If both registers are zero, immediately jump. If one but not the other is, move to the next line.

At this point, both registers are nonzero, so we can safely leave a mark at their current position to restore the values later.

We do just that, and then move both tapes left until one of them hits their pre-set end marker.

If both hit the end, the registers were equal, so we transition to state $q_{i,3}$. Otherwise, they were unequal, so we transition to state $q_{i,4}$.

Both states restore the original values of the registers, based on the marks we left earlier. They only differ in that we jump to a different line of $P$ once complete.

Note that since both tapes are moved the same amount, they must encounter the current-position marks on the same step.


As $P$ was normalized, termination can only occur by attempting to transition to line $\map \lambda P + 1$.

In $T$, that is encoded by the state $q_{\map \lambda P, 1}$.

As the outputs for $P$ are $\set {0, 1}$, these are the possible values for $r_1$.

All that is left to do is test if $r_1$ is $1$, and accept if it is.

If so, $T_1 = 0 q_{\map \lambda P, 1} B$, so the scanned symbol is $B$.

$\map \delta {q_{\map \lambda P, 1}, B, s_1 = B, s_2, \dotsc, s_k} = \tuple {q_F, B, s_1, \dotsc, s_k, S, S, \dotsc, S}$

If $r_1 = 0$, $T_1 = q_{\map \lambda P, 1} 0$, and no transition is possible.

In that case, $T$ halts without accepting.

Therefore, $T$ halts whenever $P$ halts, and accepts whenever it outputs $1$.


By Multitape Turing Machine Reduces to Turing Machine, there is a Turing machine $T'$ with these same properties.
