Restriction of Inverse is Inverse of Restriction

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Let $S_1$ and $S_2$ be sets.

Let $f: S_1 \to S_2$ be a bijection.

Let $S \subseteq S_1$ be a subset of $S_1$.

Let $f^{-1}$ be the inverse of $f$.

Let $f {\restriction_{S \times f \left[{S}\right]}}$ be the restriction of $f$ to $S \times f\left[{S}\right]$.

Let $f^{-1} {\restriction_{f \left[{S}\right] \times S}}$ be the restriction of $f^{-1}$ to $f \left[{S}\right] \times S$.


$f {\restriction_{S \times f \left[{S}\right]}}$ is a bijection


${\left({f {\restriction_{S \times f \left[{S}\right]}} }\right)}^{-1} = f^{-1} {\restriction_{f \left[{S}\right] \times S}}$


Let $y \in f \left[{S}\right]$.

By the definition of image:

$\exists z \in S : f \left({z}\right) = y$

Since $f$ is a bijection, $f^{-1}$ is a mapping.

Let $x = f^{-1} \left({y}\right)$.

Suppose that $x \notin S$.

Suppose that $x = z$.

Then $x \in S$.

Thus $x \ne z$.

By the definition of inverse mapping:

$f\left({x}\right) = y$

By Equality is Transitive:

$f \left({x}\right) = f \left({z}\right)$

Thus, $f$ is not an injection.

Thus, $f$ is not a bijection.

This contradicts the assumption.

Therefore, $x \in S$.

By the definition of restriction of mapping:

$f {\restriction_{S \times f \left[{S}\right]}} \left({x}\right) = f\left({x}\right)$

By Equality is Transitive:

$f {\restriction_{S \times f \left[{S}\right]}} \left({x}\right) = y$

Suppose that there exists a $w \in S$ such that $w \ne x$ and $f {\restriction_{S \times f \left[{S}\right]}} \left({w}\right) = y$.

By the definition of restriction of mapping:

$f {\restriction_{S \times f \left[{S}\right]}} \left({w}\right) = f\left({w}\right)$

By Equality is Transitive:

$f \left({w}\right) = y$

By Equality is Transitive:

$f \left({w}\right) = f\left({x}\right)$

Thus, $f$ is not an injection.

Thus, $f$ is not a bijection.

This contradicts the assumption.

Therefore, there exists a unique $x \in S$ such that:

$f {\restriction_{S \times f\left[{S}\right]}} \left({x}\right) = y$

Since $y \in f\left[{S}\right]$ was arbitrary, $f {\restriction_{S \times f \left[{S}\right]}}$ is a bijection.

Thus, ${\left(f {\restriction_{S \times f \left[{S}\right]}}\right)}^{-1}$ is a mapping.

Let $x' = {\left(f {\restriction_{S \times f \left[{S}\right]}}\right)}^{-1}\left({y}\right)$.

By the definition of inverse mapping:

$f {\restriction_{S \times f \left[{S}\right]}} \left({x'}\right) = y$

By the definition of restriction of mapping, we have $f \left({x'}\right) = y$.

Suppose that $x' \ne x$.

By Equality is Transitive:

$f\left({x'}\right) = f\left({x}\right)$

Thus, $f$ is not an injection.

Thus, $f$ is not a bijection.

This contradicts the assumption.

Therefore, $x' = x$.

By Equality is Transitive:

$f^{-1}\left({y}\right) = (f {\restriction_{S \times f \left[{S}\right]}})^{-1} \left({y}\right)$

By the definition of restriction of mapping:

$f^{-1} {\restriction_{f \left[{S}\right] \times S}} \left({y}\right) = f^{-1} \left({y}\right)$

By Equality is Transitive:

${\left(f {\restriction_{S \times f \left[{S}\right]}}\right)}^{-1} \left({y}\right) = f^{-1} {\restriction_{f\left[{S}\right] \times S}} \left({y}\right)$

Since $y \in f\left[{S}\right]$ was arbitrary:

${\left(f {\restriction_{S \times f \left[{S}\right]}}\right)}^{-1} = f^{-1} {\restriction_{f \left[{S}\right] \times S}}$
