Reversal of Order of Vertices of Triangle causes Reversal of Sign of Area

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Let $\triangle ABC$ be a triangle embedded in the plane.

Let $\Area \triangle ABC = \AA$.


$\Area \triangle CBA = -\AA$.


$\triangle CBA$ is the same as $\triangle ABC$ but with its vertices in the reverse order.

We have that:

if $\triangle ABC$ is traversed anticlockwise going $AB \to BC \to CA$, then $\triangle CBA$ is traversed clockwise going $CB \to BA \to AC$
if $\triangle ABC$ is traversed clockwise going $AB \to BC \to CA$, then $\triangle CBA$ is traversed anticlockwise going $CB \to BA \to AC$.

The result follows by definition of sign of $\Area \triangle ABC$

