Riesz Representation Theorem (Hilbert Spaces)/Examples

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Examples of Use of Riesz Representation Theorem (Hilbert Spaces)

$L^2$ Space

Let $\struct{ X, \Sigma, \mu }$ be a measure space.

Let $\map {L^2} \mu$ be the associated $L^2$ space.

Let $F: \map {L^2} \mu \to \GF$ be a bounded linear functional.

Then there exists a unique $f_0 \in \map {L^2} \mu$ such that:

$\ds \forall f \in \map {L^2} \mu: \map F f = \int f \overline{f_0} \rd \mu$

Space of Square Summable Mappings

Let $\map {\ell^2} \N$ be the space of square summable mappings on $\N$.

Let $N \in \N$.

Let $L_N: \map {\ell^2} \N \to \GF$ be defined by:

$\map {L_N} {\sequence{ a_n } } := a_N$

Let $\delta_N \in \map {\ell^2} \N$ be given by:

$\forall n \in \N: \paren{ \delta_N }_n = \begin{cases}

1 & n = N \\ 0 & n \ne N \end{cases}$

Then for all $a \in \map {\ell^2} \N$:

$\map {L_N} a = \innerprod a {\delta_N}$