Sets of Operations on Set of 3 Elements/Automorphism Group of D/Lemma

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Lemma for Sets of Operations on Set of 3 Elements

Let $S = \set {a, b, c}$ be a set with $3$ elements.

Let $\AA$, $\BB$, $\CC_1$, $\CC_2$, $\CC_3$ and $\DD$ be respectively the set of all operations $\circ$ on $S$ such that the groups of automorphisms of $\struct {S, \circ}$ are as follows:

\(\ds \AA\) \(:\) \(\ds \map \Gamma S\) where $\map \Gamma S$ is the symmetric group on $S$
\(\ds \BB\) \(:\) \(\ds \set {I_S, \tuple {a, b, c}, \tuple {a, c, b} }\) where $I_S$ is the identity mapping on $S$
\(\ds \CC_1\) \(:\) \(\ds \set {I_S, \tuple {a, b} }\)
\(\ds \CC_2\) \(:\) \(\ds \set {I_S, \tuple {a, c} }\)
\(\ds \CC_3\) \(:\) \(\ds \set {I_S, \tuple {b, c} }\)
\(\ds \DD\) \(:\) \(\ds \set {I_S}\)


$\set {\AA, \BB, \CC_1, \CC_2, \CC_3, \DD}$ forms a partition of the set of all operations on $S$.


Let $\OO$ denote the set of all operations on $S$.

Let $\SS := \set {\AA, \BB, \CC_1, \CC_2, \CC_3, \DD}$.

First we note that from Identity Mapping is Group Automorphism, $I_S$ is always an automorphism on $\struct {S, \circ}$.

Thus every operation on $S$ belongs to at least one of $\set {\AA, \BB, \CC_1, \CC_2, \CC_3, \DD}$.

That is:

$\OO = \ds \bigcup \SS$

Then we note that from:

Automorphism Group of $\AA$
Automorphism Group of $\BB$
Automorphism Group of $\CC_n$

each of $\AA$, $\BB$, $\CC_1$, $\CC_2$ and $\CC_3$ is non-empty.

Consider for example the constant operation on $S$:

$\forall x, y \in S: x \circ y = a$

From the above cited results, $\circ$ as described does not belong to any of $\AA$, $\BB$, $\CC_1$, $\CC_2$ and $\CC_3$.

Hence it must belong to $\DD$.

Thus $\DD$ is also non-empty.

It remains to be shown that $\SS$ is a pairwise disjoint set of sets.

By definition, $\DD$ is disjoint with all other elements of $\SS$.

By construction, $\AA$ is also disjoint with all other elements of $\SS$.