Strictly Well-Founded Relation determines Strictly Minimal Elements/Lemma

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Let $A$ be a non-empty class.

Let $\RR$ be a strictly well-founded relation on $A$.

Then $A$ has a strictly minimal element under $\RR$.



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The general strategy of the proof is as follows:

We will recursively define a certain subset, $a$, of $A$.

We will use the fact that $\RR$ is a strictly well-founded relation to choose a strictly minimal element $m$ of $a$.

Then we will prove that $m$ is in fact a strictly minimal element of $A$.

For each $x \in A$, let $\map {\RR^{-1} } x$ denote the preimage under $\RR$ of $x$ in $A$.

For each class $C$, let $\map R C$ denote the set of elements of $C$ of minimal rank, and let $\map R \O = \O$.

That is:

For a given class $C$, let $\alpha_C$ be the smallest ordinal such that:

$C \cap \map V {\alpha_C} \ne \O$

where $V$ is the von Neumann hierarchy.

Then let $\map R C$ denote the set $C \cap \map V {\alpha_C}$.

Let $F$ be a function defined recursively:

$\map F 0 = \map R A$
$\ds \map F {n + 1} = \bigcup_{y \mathop \in \map F n} \map R {\map {\RR^{-1} } y}$


$\map F n$ is a set for each $n \in \omega$.


Proceed by induction:

$\map R A$ is a set, so $\map F 0$ is a set.

Suppose that $\map R {\map F n}$ is a set.

We know that for each $y \in \map F n$, $\map R {\map {\RR^{-1} } y}$ is a set, so by the Axiom of Unions, $\map F {n + 1}$ is a set.


Let $\ds a = \bigcup_{n \mathop \in \omega} \map F n$.

By the Axiom of Unions, $a$ is a set.

Since $\map F n \subseteq A$ for each $n \in \omega$, $a \subseteq A$.

By Non-Empty Class has Element of Least Rank, $\map F 0 \ne \O$, so $a \ne \O$.

Since $\RR$ is strictly well-founded, $a$ has a strictly minimal element $m$ under $\RR$.

Aiming for a contradiction, suppose that $m$ is not a strictly minimal element under $\RR$ of $A$.

Then, by Characterization of Minimal Element,

$\map {\RR^{-1} } m \ne \O$

By Non-Empty Class has Element of Least Rank, $\map {\RR^{-1} } m$ has an element $w$ of least rank.

\(\ds \exists n \in \N: \, \) \(\ds m\) \(\in\) \(\ds \map F n\) Definition of $a$
\(\ds w\) \(\in\) \(\ds \map F {n + 1}\) Definition of $F$
\(\ds w\) \(\in\) \(\ds a\) Definition of $a$

Therefore, $a \mathop \cap \map {\RR^{-1} } m \ne \O$, contradicting the fact that $m$ is a strictly minimal element under $\RR$ in $a$.

Thus we conclude that $m$ is a strictly minimal element under $\RR$ of $A$.


Also see

These are weaker results that do not require the Axiom of Foundation.
