Symbols:R/Strictly Positive Real Numbers

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Real Numbers

$\R_{> 0}$

The set of strictly positive real numbers:

$\R_{> 0} = \set {x \in \R: x > 0}$

The $\LaTeX$ code for \(\R_{> 0}\) is \R_{> 0}  or \mathbb R_{> 0} or \Bbb R_{> 0}.

MediaWiki $\LaTeX$ also allows \reals_{> 0}, but MathJax does not recognise that as a valid code.



The set of strictly positive real numbers:

$\R_+^* = \set {x \in \R: x > 0}$

The $\LaTeX$ code for \(\R_+^*\) is \R_+^*  or \mathbb R_+^* or \Bbb R_+^*.

MediaWiki $\LaTeX$ also allows \reals_+^*, but MathJax does not recognise that as a valid code.