Symmetric Difference with Union does not form Ring

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Let $S$ be a set.


$\symdif$ denote the symmetric difference operation
$\cup$ denote the set union operation
$\powerset S$ denote the power set of $S$.

Then $\struct {\powerset S, \symdif, \cup}$ does not form a ring.


For $\struct {S, \symdif, \cup}$ to be a ring, it is a necessary condition that $\cup$ be distributive over $*$.

Also, the identity element for set union and symmetric difference must be different.


$(1): \quad$ the identity for union and symmetric difference is $\O$ for both operations
$(2): \quad$ set union is not distributive over symmetric difference:

From Symmetric Difference of Unions:

$\paren {R \cup T} \symdif \paren {S \cup T} = \paren {R \symdif S} \setminus T$

The result follows.


Also see
