Syndrome Decoding

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Let $C$ be a linear $\tuple {n, k}$-code whose master code is $\map V {n, p}$

To decode a given vector $v$ of $\map V {n, p}$, the syndrome of $v$ can be used as follows.

Create an array $T$ of $2$ column consisting of the following:

The top row contains:
in column $1$: the zero of $C$
in column $2$: its syndrome.
The $r$th row subsequent contains:
in column $1$: any element of $\map V {n, p}$ of minimum weight which is not already included in the first $r - 1$ rows
in column $2$: its syndrome.

To decode a given vector $v$ of $\map V {n, p}$:

Calculate its syndrome
Find it in column $2$ of $T$
See what is in column $1$ of $T$, and call it $u$, say
Subtract $u$ from $v$.


Linear $\tuple {6, 3}$-code in $\Z_2$

Let $C$ be the linear code:

$C = \set {000000, 100110, 010101, 110011, 001011, 101101, 011110, 111000}$

Then the Syndrome Decoding table $T$ for $C$ is:

$\begin{array} {cc}

000000 & 000 \\ 100000 & 110 \\ 010000 & 101 \\ 001000 & 011 \\ 000100 & 100 \\ 000010 & 010 \\ 000001 & 001 \\ 100001 & 111 \\ \end{array}$
