User:Ascii/Mathematicians Level 1

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These are mathematicians of supposed greater influence and importance, according to Wikipedia:

Euclid $($$\text {c. 300 BCE}$$)$

Greek mathematician about whom little is known, apart from:

  • He taught in Alexandria (then a Macedonian colony, the hub of the Hellenic world);
  • He assembled the geometry text The Elements, possibly the most famous mathematics text book of all time.

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Archimedes of Syracuse $($$\text {c. 287}$ – $\text {212 BCE}$$)$

Greek mathematician, physicist, astronomer, engineer and general all-round inventor.

Perfected the method of exhaustion.
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Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi $($$\text {c. 780}$ – $\text {c. 850}$$)$

Mathematician who lived and worked in Baghdad.

Famous for his book The Algebra, which contained the first systematic description of the solution to linear and quadratic equations.

Sometimes referred to as "the father of algebra", but some claim the title should belong to Diophantus.
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Leonhard Paul Euler $($$\text {1707}$ – $\text {1783}$$)$

Swiss mathematician and physicist who pioneered much of the foundation of modern mathematics.

Introduced much of the notation which is used today, including $e$ and the modern notation for trigonometric functions.
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Pierre-Simon de Laplace $($$\text {1749}$ – $\text {1827}$$)$

French mathematician and astronomer whose work greatly influenced the development of the mathematics governing astronomy.

Pioneered the field of mathematical physics.
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Carl Friedrich Gauss $($$\text {1777}$ – $\text {1855}$$)$

One of the most influential mathematicians of all time, contributing to many fields, including number theory, statistics, analysis and differential geometry.
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Emmy Noether $($$\text {1882}$ – $\text {1935}$$)$

German-born mathematician who made considerable contributions to abstract algebra and theoretical physics.

Most famous for Noether's Theorem which makes the fundamental connection between symmetry and various laws of conservation.

Her philosophy and outlook were fundamental in the development of ideas that led to the establishment of the field of category theory.

Daughter of Max Noether.
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Kurt Friedrich Gödel $($$\text {1906}$ – $\text {1978}$$)$

Austrian mathematician who emigrated to the U.S.A. in 1940.

Famous for his first and second incompleteness theorems.
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Alan Mathison Turing $($$\text {1912}$ – $\text {1954}$$)$

English mathematician who is often considered to be the "father of modern computer science".

Famous for his role in cracking the Enigma cipher in World War II, his conception of the Turing machine and the idea of the Turing test.
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