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 * Deletes paragraphs created by double blank lines.
 * Whitespace is fixed using css instead, see $\href{common.css}{\text{user:barto/common.css}}$
 * Only on Main, ProofWiki, Help, Axiom, Definition namespaces.
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
$(".ns-0 p + h2, .ns-4 p + h2, .ns-12 p + h2, .ns-100 p + h2, .ns-102 p + h2," +
  ".ns-0 p + h3, .ns-4 p + h3, .ns-12 p + h3, .ns-100 p + h3, .ns-102 p + h3," +
  ".ns-0 p + h4, .ns-4 p + h4, .ns-12 p + h4, .ns-100 p + h4, .ns-102 p + h4").prev().filter(function() {
	s = $(this).html();
	return s.substring(0, s.length - 1) == "<br>";
}).remove();//css({"line-height": 0, "margin" : 0});

 * Small margin for transcluded definitions (h3) on an equivalence of definitions page.
 * Done with css instead, so content moves less on page load.
if (location.pathname.split('/').slice(-1)[0].startsWith("Equivalence_of_Definitions")) {
	$(".mw-body h3:not(:first-of-type)").filter(function() {return $(this).index() <= $(".mw-body h2:nth-of-type(2)").eq(0).index()}).css("margin-top", "0.3em");

 * Lists with LaTeX numbering, not operational
 * ------------------------------------------------------
$('.latexlist').parent().next().children().css('content', '":$(" + counter(item) + "): \quad$"')