Book:David Nelson/The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics/Fourth Edition/Errata

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Errata for 2008: David Nelson: The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics (4th ed.)

Group Action of Cyclic Group on Polygon

action 3.
For example, the $n$-element ${}^*$cyclic group whose elements are $e, a, a^2, \ldots, a^{n - 1}$ acts on the vertices of a ${}^*$regular polygon by the map for which $e x$ is $x$ for each vertex $x$, and $a^k x$ is the vertex obtained when $x$ is rotated through $2 \pi k / n$ radians about the center of the polygon.

Directed Angle

Often an angle is regarded as the measure of the rotation involved in moving from one initial axis to another final axis (termed a direction angle).


An element $A$ of a *lattice such that if $B < A$ then $B = A$ (the null element).

Frequency of Beats

The frequency at which the amplitude fluctuates is the beat frequency, which is equal to the difference in frequency of the combining waves, $\size {f_1 - f_2}$.

Eugenio Beltrami

Beltrami, Eugenio (1835-99)

Paradoxien des Unendlichen

Bolzano, Bernhard Placidus (1781-1848)
He also published an influential work, Paradoxes of the Infinite (1850), in which he anticipated some of the later results of *Cantor.

Boolean Algebra

Boolean algebra
An algebraic system consisting of a *set of elements $S$ together with two *binary operations, denoted by (the Boolean product) and $+$ (the Boolean sum) obeying certain *axioms ...

William Brouncker

Brouncker, William, Viscount (1620-85)

Cauchy-Crofton Formula

Cauchy-Crompton formula

Warwick Tucker

In $2002$ the Swedish mathematician Warwick Tucker showed that [the Lorenz attractor] is a strange attractor.

Chu Shih-Chieh

Chu Shih-chich

Edward Cocker

Cocker, Edward (1631-75)

Jan de Witt

conic (conic section)
The treatment of conic sections by coordinate geometry was begun in the $17$th century, notably by Jan de Witt $\text {1629}$ – $\text {1672}$ ...


The subject was developed in 1946 by Norbert Wiener, who coined the name from the Greek word kuberne?te?s, meaning 'pilot' or 'steersman'.

Finite Dissection of Polyhedra

dissection proof
... the German mathematician Max Dehn showed in $1901$ that there are two polyhedra of the same volume for which it is impossible to reconstruct one from the other by dissection.

Division Sign

division sign
The alternative sign $/$ ... was recommended by William de Morgan in $1845$ to simplify the printing of fractions.

Eccentric Angle

eccentric angle
The angle that a radius of the *auxiliary circle makes with the positive $x$-axis, used in forming the parametric equations of an *ellipse or *hyperbola.

Eccentricity of Ellipse in terms of Semi-Major and Semi-Minor Axes


Alternatively [the eccentricity] is given by

$e^2 - 1 - \dfrac {b^2} {a^2}$

Elliptic Curve: Arbitrary Example

elliptic curve

For example, the elliptic curve $y^2 = x^3 + 17$ has a rational point $\tuple {-2, 3}$, but it also has many others, e.g. $\tuple {2, 3}$, $\tuple {\frac 1 4, \frac {33} 8}$, and $\tuple {-1, 4}$.

Historical Note on Elliptic Functions

elliptic functions
Functions first derived from *elliptic integrals by Abel in $1826$.

Expansion: $\paren {x + 1}^2$

expansion 1.
\(\ds \paren {x + 1}^2\) \(=\) \(\ds \paren {x + 1}] \paren {x + 1}\)
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds x \paren {x + 1} + 1 \paren {x + 1}\)
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds x^2 + 2 x + 1\)

Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit

Fahrenheit degree
[After G.D. Fahrenheit (1686-1736)]

Farey Sequence

Farey sequence (of order $n$)
Farey sequence (of order $n$) (C. Haros, 1802; J. Farey; 1816)

Ad Locos Planos et Solidos Isagoge

Fermat, Pierre de (1601-65)
Further work in his Isagoge ad locus planos et solidos (1679, On the Plane and Solid Locus) foreshadowed the later analytic geometry of Descartes ...

Floating-Point Representation: $105.7$

floating-point representation
For example, $105.7 = 0.1057 \times 10^{-3}$.

Period of Rotation of Plane of Oscillation of Foucault's Pendulum

Foucault's pendulum
To an observer on earth the plane of oscillation [of Foucault's pendulum] makes one rotation every $24$ hours (approximately).

Historical Note on Fuzzy Logic

fuzzy logic
A system of logic proposed in $1965$ by Lofti Zadeh, an Iranian electrical engineer, ...

Gaussian Integration Rule

Gaussian integration rule
A *numerical integration rule of the form
$\ds \int \limits_a^b \map w x \map {\text f} x \rd x \approx \sum_{i \mathop - 1}^n w_i \, \map {\text f} {x_i}$

Gauss-Seidel Method

Gauss-Seidel method
Now, writing $\mathbf x_n$ for the column vector of values of $x_1, x_2, x_3$ after the $n$th iteration, and
$\mathbf L = \begin {pmatrix} a_{1 1} & 0 & 0 \\ a_{2 1} & a_{2 3} & 0 \\ a_{3 1} & a_{3 2} & a_{3 3} \end {pmatrix}, \mathbf U = \begin {pmatrix} 0 & a_{1 2} & a_{1 3} \\ 0 & 0 & a_{2 3} \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \end {pmatrix}$
the iterative relationship is
$\mathbf x_{n + 1} = \mathbf L^{-1} \paren {\mathbf b - \mathbf U \mathbf x_n}$

Jørgen Pedersen Gram

Gram-Schmidt method
It is named after Jorgen Pederson Gram (1850-1916) and Erhard Schmidt (1876-1959).

Determinant of Order $3$ Hilbert Matrix

Hilbert matrix
For $n = 3$,
$H_3 = \begin {pmatrix} 1 & \tfrac 1 2 & \tfrac 1 3 \\ \tfrac 1 2 & \tfrac 1 3 & \tfrac 1 4 \\ \tfrac 1 3 & \tfrac 1 4 & \tfrac 1 5 \\ \end {pmatrix}$
and $\map \det {H_3} = 1 / 12 \, 160$.

Hypergeometric Differential Equation

hypergeometric differential equation
A second-order differential equation of the form
$x \paren {1 - x} \dfrac {\d^2 \phi} {\d x^2} + \sqbrk {c - \paren {a + b - 1} x} \dfrac {\d \phi} {\d x} - a b \phi = 0$
where $a$, $b$ and $c$ are constants.

Improper Integral on $\hointr a b$

infinite integral (improper integral)
An integral ... whose integrand is a function $\map {\mathrm f} x$ that is finite for $a \le x < b$, but infinite for $x = b$, is
$\ds \int \limits_a^b \map {\mathrm f} x \rd x$
which is short for
$\ds \lim_{\delta \mathop \to \infty} \int \limits_a^{b - \delta} \map {\mathrm f} x \rd x$
where $\delta > 0$.

Inverse of Curve under Inversive Transformation

inversion 1.
A curve $\map f {x, y} = 0$ has an inverse $\map f {x', y'} = 0$, where
$x' = \dfrac {r^2 x} {x^2 + y^2} \qquad y' = \dfrac {r^2 y} {x^2 + y^2}$

Maurice Henry Quenouille

jack-knife (M.L. Quenouille, 1949)

Julia Set

Julia set
(b) Filled Julia set for $c = -0.75$

Kepler's Conjecture

Kepler's conjecture (J. Kepler, 1611)
The conjecture was proved in $2006$ by T.C. Hales.

Levi ben Gerson

Levi ben Gerson (1288-1344)
Jewish mathematician and astronomer who produced in his Sefer ha mispar (1321, Book of Number) one of the first texts to establish simple rules for calculating permutations and combinations ...

Marius Sophus Lie

Lie, Marius Sophus (1842-99)
... noted for his work on transformation groups, which he described in his major treatise, Die Transformationsgruppen (1888-93).

Linear Function of Two Variables

linear function
A linear function of two variables has the form
$\map {\mathrm f} {x, y} = a_0 + a_1 x + a_2 y + a_3 x y$
where $a_0$, $a_1$, and $a_2$ are constants.

Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky

Lobachevsky, Nikolai Ivanovich (1793-1856)


The name lowess is an acronym derived from 'locally weighted smoothing scatterplots'.

Pietro Mengoli

Mengoli, Pietro (1626-82)

Emmy Noether

Noether, Amalie (Emmy) (1883-1935)

William Oughtred

Oughtred, William (1575-1660)

Reducible Polynomial

reducible polynomial
A *polynomial is reducible over a *field $F$ if it can be factored into two polynomials having coefficients in $F$.


A hexagonal prism.

Willebrord van Royen Snell

Snell, Willebrord van Royen (1580-1626)

Alfred Tarski

Tarski, Alfred (1902-85)


It is named after the Polish mathematician Józef Maria Hoene-Wroński (1776-1853).

Primitive of $\sqrt {x^2 - a^2}$

$\ds \int \sqrt {x^2 - a^2} \rd x = \frac 1 2 a^2 \cosh^{-1} \frac x a + \frac 1 2 {x \sqrt {x^2 - a^2} } + C$