Definition:Method of Least Squares (Approximation Theory)

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This page is about Method of Least Squares in the context of Approximation Theory. For other uses, see Method of Least Squares.


Let there be a set of points $\set {\tuple {x_k, y_k}: k \in \set {1, 2, \ldots, n} }$ plotted on a Cartesian $x y$ plane which correspond to measurements of a physical system.

Let it be required that a straight line is to be fitted to the points.

The method of least squares is a technique of producing a straight line of the form $y = m x + c$ such that:

the points $\set {\tuple {x_k', y_k'}: k \in \set {1, 2, \ldots, n} }$ are on the line $y = m x + c$
$\forall k \in \set {1, 2, \ldots, n}: x_k' = x_k$
$\ds \sum_n \paren {y_k' - y_k}^2$ is minimised.



Arbitrary Example

Let $B$ be a false balance.

$2$ items are weighed on $B$: first individually and then together.

The recorded weights are:

$17 \, \mathrm g$ and $25 \, \mathrm g$ for the separate items
$40 \, \mathrm g$ for the combined weight.

The least squares estimates of the true weights are the values of $\hat {w_1}$ and $\hat {w_2}$ that minimize:

$L = \paren {w_1 - 25}^2 + \paren {w_1 - 17}^2 + \paren {w_1 + w_2 - 40}^2$

Differentiating with respect to $w_1$ and $w_2$ and equating the derivatives to zero, gives us:

\(\ds \hat {w_1}\) \(=\) \(\ds 16.33\)
\(\ds \hat {w_2}\) \(=\) \(\ds 24.33\)

Also see

Historical Note

The method of least squares was invented by Carl Friedrich Gauss.
