73/Sheldon Cooper Exposition

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The Sheldon Cooper Exposition on the Number $73$

Sheldon Cooper:

$73$ is the best number:
$73$ is the $21$st prime number.
Its mirror $37$ is the $12$th prime number.
Its mirror $21$ is the product of multiplying, hang on to your hats, $7$ by $3$.
Eh? Eh? Did I lie?

Leonard Hofstadter:

We get it. $73$ is the Chuck Norris of numbers.

Sheldon Cooper:

Chuck Norris wishes.
In binary, $73$ is a palindrome: $1,001,001$, which backwards is $1,001,001$, exactly the same.
All Chuck Norris backwards gets you is Sirron Kcuhc!
The Big Bang Theory, Episode $73$: Lee Aronsohn, Jim Reynolds and Maria Ferrari
