Characterization of Analytic Basis by Local Bases

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Let $T = \struct {S, \tau}$ be a topological space.

Let $P$ be a set of subsets of $S$ such that

$P \subseteq \tau$


for all $p \in S$: there exists local basis $B$ at $p: B \subseteq P$

Then $P$ is basis of $T$.


By assumption:

$P \subseteq \tau$

Let $U$ be an open subset of $S$.


$X := \set {V \in P: V \subseteq U}$

By definition of subset:

$X \subseteq P$

We will prove that:

$\forall u \in S: u \in U \iff \exists Z \in X: u \in Z$

Let $u \in S$.

We will prove that:

$u \in U \implies \exists Z \in X: u \in Z$

Assume that:

$u \in U$

By assumption:

there exists local basis $B$ at $u: B \subseteq P$.

By definition of local basis:

$\exists V \in B: V \subseteq U$

Thus by definitions of subset and $X$:

$V \in X$

Thus by definition of local basis:

$u \in V$


Assume that:

$\exists Z \in X: u \in Z$

By definition of $X$:

$Z \subseteq U$

Thus by definition of subset:

$u \in U$


Thus by definition of union:

$U = \bigcup X$

Hence $P$ is basis of $L$.

