Cowen's Theorem/Lemma 4

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Lemma for Cowen's Theorem

Let $g$ be a progressing mapping.

Let $x$ be a set.

Let $\powerset x$ denote the power set of $x$.

Let $M_x$ denote the intersection of the $x$-special subsets of $\powerset x$ with respect to $g$.

Let $M$ be the class of all $x$ such that $x \in M_x$.

We have that:

$M$ is closed under chain unions.


Let $C$ be a chain of elements of $M$.

For each $x \in C$, we have $x \subseteq \ds \bigcup C$.

Hence by Lemma $3$:

$M_x \subseteq M_{\mathop \cup C}$

Also, because $x \in M_x$, we have:

$x \in M_x$


$x \in M_{\mathop \cup C}$


$C \subseteq M_{\mathop \cup C}$

Because $M_{\mathop \cup C}$ is closed under chain unions:

$\ds \bigcup C \in M_{\mathop \cup C}$


$\ds \bigcup C \in M$


Source of Name

This entry was named for Robert H. Cowen.
