Definition:Orientable Manifold

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For a finite-dimensional vector space

If $V$ is a finite-dimensional vector space, an orientation of $V$ is an equivalence class of ordered bases for $V$,

where two ordered bases are considered equivalent if:

the transition matrix that expresses one basis in terms of the other has positive determinant.
These two basis are not equivalent

Every vector space has exactly two orientations.

Once an orientation is chosen, a basis is said to be positively oriented if it belongs to the chosen orientation, and negatively oriented if not.

The standard orientation of $\R^n$ is the one determined by the standard basis $\left(e_1, \ldots, e_n\right)$, where $e_i$ is the vector $(0, \ldots, 1, \ldots, 0)$ with 1 in the $i$ th place and zeros elsewhere.

For a smooth manifold

If $M$ is a smooth manifold, an orientation for $M$ is a choice of orientation for each tangent space that is continuous in the sense that:

in a neighborhood of every point there is a (continuous) local frame that determines the given orientation at each point of the neighborhood.

If there exists an orientation for $M$, we say that $M$ is orientable.

Also see

  • Results about smooth manifolds can be found here.
