Euler Phi Function by Argument is Injective

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Let $f: \N \to \N$ be the arithmetic function defined as:

$\map f n = n \map \phi n$

where $\map \phi n$ is the Euler Phi function (which is not injective).

Then $f$ is injective.


By Product of Multiplicative Functions is Multiplicative and Euler Phi Function is Multiplicative, $f$ is a multiplicative function.

Suppose that $\map f {n_1} = \map f {n_2}$.

The case $n_1 = 1$ is trivial.

Let $n_1 > 1$.

Let $p$ be the largest prime factor of $n_1$.

By Largest Prime Factor of Euler Phi Function, the largest prime factor of $\map \phi {n_1}$ is less than $p$.

Thus $p$ is the largest prime factor of $\map f {n_1} = n_1 \map \phi {n_1}$.


$\map f {n_1} = \map f {n_2}$

Then $p$ is the largest prime factor of $\map f {n_2}$.

Then $p$ is the largest prime factor of $n_2$.


Let $p^k$ be the largest power of $p$ dividing $n_1$.

Then $p^{k - 1}$ is the largest power of $p$ dividing $\map \phi {n_1}$.

Then $p^{2 k - 1}$ is the largest power of $p$ dividing $\map f {n_1}$.


$\map f {n_1} = \map f {n_2}$

Then $p^{2 k - 1}$ is the largest power of $p$ dividing $\map f {n_2}$.

Then $p^k$ is the largest power of $p$ dividing $n_2$.


Thus, by the multiplicativity of $f$, we also have:

$\map f {\dfrac {n_1} {p^k} } = \map f {\dfrac {n_2} {p^k} }$

Continuing, after having eliminated all prime factors of $n_1$, we have:

$\map f 1 = \map f {\dfrac {n_2} {n_1} }$


$\dfrac {n_2} {n_1} = 1$

and so:

$n_2 = n_1$

