Existence of Minimal Uncountable Well-Ordered Set/Corollary 1

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Corollary to Existence of Minimal Uncountable Well-Ordered Set

Let $\Omega$ denote the minimal uncountable well-ordered set.

The cardinality of $\Omega$ satisfies:

$\card \N < \card \Omega \le \mathfrak c$

where $\card \N$ is the cardinality of the natural numbers and $\mathfrak c$ is the cardinality of the continuum.


By the definition of $\Omega$ as a minimal uncountable well-ordered set:

$\card \N < \card \Omega$

by the definition of uncountable.


$\card \Omega \le \card {\powerset \N}$ follows the from construction of $\Omega$ in the main proofs; $\Omega$ is a subset of $\powerset \N$.

That $\card {\powerset \N} = \mathfrak c$ is shown in Power Set of Natural Numbers has Cardinality of Continuum.

Combining the above statements yields:

$\card \N < \card \Omega \le \mathfrak c$

