Functionally Complete Logical Connectives/Negation, Conjunction, Disjunction and Conditional

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The set of logical connectives:

$\set {\neg, \land, \lor, \implies}$: Not, And, Or and Implies

is functionally complete.


From Functional Completeness over Finite Number of Arguments, it suffices to consider binary truth functions.

From Count of Truth Functions, there are $16$ of these.

These are enumerated in Binary Truth Functions, and are analysed in turn as follows.

Constant Functions

There are two constant functions:

\(\ds \map {f_\F} {p, q}\) \(=\) \(\ds \F\)
\(\ds \map {f_\T} {p, q}\) \(=\) \(\ds \T\)

From Biconditional Properties and Exclusive Or Properties:

\(\ds p \iff p\) \(\dashv \vdash\) \(\ds \top \dashv \vdash \map {f_\T} {p, q}\)
\(\ds p \oplus p\) \(\dashv \vdash\) \(\ds \bot \dashv \vdash \map {f_\F} {p, q}\)

where $\oplus$ and $\iff$ denote exclusive or and biconditional respectively.

So both of the constant functions can be expressed in terms of $\oplus$ and $\iff$.


Equivalence and Non-Equivalence

By definition of exclusive or:

$p \oplus q \dashv \vdash \map \neg {p \iff q}$.

Thus $\oplus$ can be expressed in terms of $\neg$ and $\iff$.

By definition of biconditional:

$p \iff q \dashv \vdash \paren {p \implies q} \land \paren {q \implies p}$

Thus $\iff$ can be expressed in terms of $\implies$ and $\land$.


Projections and Negated Projections

There are two projections:

$\map {\pr_1} {p, q} = p$
$\map {\pr_2} {p, q} = q$

We note that:

$p \land p \dashv \vdash p \dashv \vdash \map {\pr_1} {p, q}$
$p \lor p \dashv \vdash p \dashv \vdash \map {\pr_1} {p, q}$

and similarly for $\map {\pr_2} {p, q}$.

So the projections can be expressed in terms of either $\land$ or $\lor$.

There are two negated projections:

$\map {\overline {\pr_1} } {p, q} = \neg p$
$\map {\overline {\pr_2} } {p, q} = \neg q$

It immediately follows from the above that these can be expressed in terms of either:

$\neg$ and $\land$


$\neg$ and $\lor$



There are the NAND and NOR operators:

$p \uparrow q$
$p \downarrow q$

By definition of NAND:

$p \uparrow q \dashv \vdash \map \neg {p \land q}$

By definition of NOR:

$p \downarrow q \dashv \vdash \map \neg {p \lor q}$


$\uparrow$ can be expressed in terms of $\neg$ and $\land$
$\downarrow$ can be expressed in terms of $\neg$ and $\lor$


Conjunction, Disjunction, Conditional

There are the conjunction and disjunction operators:

$p \land q$
$p \lor q$

There are two conditionals:

$p \implies q$
$q \implies p$

There are two negated conditionals:

$\map \neg {p \implies q}$
$\map \neg {q \implies p}$

All of the above are already expressed in terms of $\neg, \land, \lor, \implies$.


Thus all sixteen of the Binary Truth Functions can be expressed in terms of:

$\neg, \land, \lor, \implies$

That is:

$\set {\neg, \land, \lor, \implies}$

is functionally complete.
