Henry Ernest Dudeney/Modern Puzzles/124 - Drawing a Straight Line

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Modern Puzzles by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $124$

Drawing a Straight Line
If we want to describe a circle we use an instrument that we call a pair of compasses,
but if we need a straight line we use no such instrument --
we employ a ruler or other straight edge.
In other words, we first seek a straight line to produce our required straight line,
which is equivalent to using a coin, saucer of other circular object to draw a circle.
Now, imagine yourself in such a position that you cannot obtain a straight edge --
not even a piece of thread.
Could you devise a simple instrument that would draw your straight line,
just as the compasses describe a circle?
It is an interesting question, but, of course, of no practical value.
We shall continue to use the straight edge.

Click here for solution
