Henry Ernest Dudeney/Modern Puzzles/159 - The Five Regiments

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Modern Puzzles by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $159$

The Five Regiments
The diagram represents a map of a certain district.
The dots and circles are towns and the lines are roads.
During a war five regiments marched to new positions in the night.
The body stationed at the upper $A$ marched to the lower $A$,
that at the upper $B$ to the lower $B$,
that at the upper $C$ to the lower $C$,
that at the upper $D$ to the lower $D$,
and the regiment at the left-hand $E$ marched to the right-hand $E$.
Yet no regiment saw anything of any other regiment.
Can you mark out the route taken by each so that no two regiments ever go along the same road anywhere?

Click here for solution
