Henry Ernest Dudeney/Modern Puzzles/206 - The 37 Puzzle Game

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Modern Puzzles by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $206$

The $37$ Puzzle Game
Here is a beautiful new puzzle game, absurdly simple to play but quite fascinating.
To most people it will seem to be practically a game of chance -- equal for both players --
but there are pretty subtleties in it, and I will show how to win with certainty.
Place the five dominoes $1$, $2$, $3$, $4$, $5$, on the table.
There are two players, who play alternately.
The first player places a coin on any domino, say the $5$, which scores $5$;
then the second player removes the coin to another domino, say to the $3$,
and adds that domino, scoring $8$;
then the first player removes the coin again, say to the $1$, scoring $9$; and so on.
The player who scores $37$, or forces his opponent to score more than $37$, wins.
Remember, the coin must be removed to a different domino at each play.

Click here for solution
