Henry Ernest Dudeney/Modern Puzzles/75 - A Teasing Legacy

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Modern Puzzles by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $75$

A Teasing Legacy
Professor Rackbrain left his typist what he called a trifle of a legacy if she was able to claim it.
The legacy was the largest amount that she could find in an addition sum,
where pounds, shillings and pence were all represented and no digit used more than once.
Every digit must be used once, a single $0$ may or may not appear, as in the examples below, and the dash may be employed in the manner shown.
 £  s. d.      £  s. d.
 -  3  7       4  2  5
 -  4  8       6  7  3
 -  5  9      --------
 1  6  -     £10  9  8
£2  -  -
The young lady was cleverer than he thought.
What was the largest amount that she could claim?

Click here for solution
