Henry Ernest Dudeney/Puzzles and Curious Problems/110 - An Absolute Skeleton

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Puzzles and Curious Problems by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $110$

An Absolute Skeleton
Here is a good skeleton puzzle.
The only conditions are:
$(1)$ No digit appears twice in any row of figures except the dividend.
$(2)$ If $2$ be added to the last figure in the quotient it equals the last but one,
and if $2$ be added to the third figure from the end it gives the last figure but $3$ in the quotient.
That is to say, the quotient might end in, say, $9742$, or in $3186$.
We have only succeeded in finding a single solution.

prime.mover reports:

A previous owner of this copy of Puzzles and Curious Problems open before me on my study desk has pencilled in a second solution.

Click here for solutions
