Henry Ernest Dudeney/Puzzles and Curious Problems/131 - Feeding the Monkeys

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Puzzles and Curious Problems by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $131$

Feeding the Monkeys
A man went to the zoo with a bag of nuts to feed the monkeys.
He found that if he divided them equally amongst the $11$ monkeys in the first cage he would have $1$ nut over;
if he divided them equally amongst the $13$ monkeys in the second cage there would be $8$ left;
if he divided them amongst the $17$ monkeys in the last cage $3$ nuts would remain.
He also found that if he divided them equally amongst the $41$ monkeys in all $3$ cages,
or amongst the monkeys in any $2$ cages,
there would always be some left over.
What is the smallest number of nuts that the man could have in his bag?

Click here for solution
