Henry Ernest Dudeney/Puzzles and Curious Problems/13 - The Three Hospitals

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Puzzles and Curious Problems by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $13$

The Three Hospitals
Colonel Crackham said that a hospital collection brought in the following contributions:
A cheque for $\pounds 2, 10 \shillings$,
two cheques for $\pounds 1, 5 \shillings$ each,
three $\pounds 1$ Treasury notes,
three $10 \shillings$ Treasury notes,
two crowns,
two postal orders for $3 \shillings$ each,
two florins,
and three shillings.
As this money had to be divided amongst three hospitals, just as it stood,
since nobody happened to have any change in his pocket,
how was it to be done?

Click here for solution
