Henry Ernest Dudeney/Puzzles and Curious Problems/143 - Lilivati, A.D. 1150/Historical Note

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Historical Note on Henry Ernest Dudeney: Puzzles and Curious Problems $143$ - "Lilivati", A.D. $1150$

Henry Ernest Dudeney quotes this in its entirety as an example of one of the problems in Lilavati, by Bhaskara $\text {II}$ Acharya, dating from approximately $\text {1150}$ $\text {C.E.}$

In Dudeney's words:

Here is another little morning problem from Lilivati (A.D. $1150$)...
... This, like so many of those old things, is absurdly easy when properly attacked.

It will be noted that he refers to it as Lilivati, which is most probably incorrect.
