Henry Ernest Dudeney/Puzzles and Curious Problems/165 - The Postage-Stamps Puzzle

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Puzzles and Curious Problems by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $165$

The Postage-Stamps Puzzle
A youth who collects postage stamps was asked how many he had in his collection, and he replied:
"The number, if divided by $2$, will give a remainder $1$;
divided by $3$, a remainder $2$;
divided by $4$, a remainder $3$;
divided by $5$, a remainder $4$;
divided by $6$, a remainder $5$;
divided by $7$, a remainder $6$;
divided by $8$, a remainder $7$;
divided by $9$, a remainder $8$;
divided by $10$, a remainder $9$.
But there are fewer than $3000$."
Can you tell how many stamps there were in the album?

Click here for solution
