Henry Ernest Dudeney/Puzzles and Curious Problems/170 - The Six Noughts

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Puzzles and Curious Problems by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $170$

The Six Noughts
    A     B     C
  111   111   100
  333   333   000
  555   500   005
  777   077   007
  999   090   999
 ----  ----  ----
 2775  1111  1111
 ----  ----  ----
Write down the little addition sum $A$, which adds up to $2775$.
Now substitute $6$ noughts for $6$ of the figures, so that the total sum shall be $1111$.
It will be seen that in the case $B$ five noughts have been susbtituted, and in the case $C$ nine noughts.
But the puzzle is to do it with six noughts.

Click here for solution
