Henry Ernest Dudeney/Puzzles and Curious Problems/175 - Cross-Number Puzzle

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Puzzles and Curious Problems by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $175$

Cross-Number Puzzle
Here is a cross-number puzzle on lines similar to those of the familiar crossword puzzle.
The puzzle is to place numbers in the spaces across and down, so as to satisfy the following conditions:
1. a square number
4. a square number
5. a square number
8. the digits sum to $35$
11. square root of $39$ across
13. a square number
14. a square number
15. square of $36$ across
17. square of half $11$ across
18. three similar figures
19. product of $4$ across and $33$ across
21. a square number
22. five times $5$ across
23. all digits alike, except the central one
25. square of $2$ down
27. see $20$ down
28. a fourth power
29. sum of $18$ across and $31$ across
31. a triangular number
33. one more than $4$ times $36$ across
34. digits sum to $18$, and the three middle numbers are $3$
36. an odd number
37. all digits even, except one, and their sum is $29$
39. a fourth power
40. a cube number
41. twice a square
1. reads both ways alike
2. square root of $28$ across
3. sum of $17$ across and $21$ across
4. digits sum to $19$
5. digits sum to $26$
6. sum of $14$ across and $33$ across
7. a cube number
9. a cube number
10. a square number
12. digits sum to $30$
14. all similar figures
16. sum of digits is $2$ down
18. all similar digits except the first, which is $1$
20. sum of $17$ across and $27$ across
21. a multiple of $19$
22. a square number
24. a square number
26. square of $18$ across
28. a fourth power of $4$ across
30. a triangular number
32. digits sum to $20$ and end with $8$
34. six times $21$ across
35. a cube number
37. a square number
38. a cube number

Click here for solution
