Henry Ernest Dudeney/Puzzles and Curious Problems/188 - Squaring the Circle/Mistake

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Source Work

1932: Henry Ernest Dudeney: Puzzles and Curious Problems:

Geometrical Problems
Dissection Puzzles
$188$. -- Squaring the Circle

1968: Henry Ernest Dudeney: 536 Puzzles & Curious Problems:

Geometrical Problems
Circle Puzzles
$289$. Squaring the Circle


The distance $DG$, added to the distance $GH$, gives a quarter of the length of the circumference, correct within a five-thousandth part.


$\dfrac {1.571174 - 1.570796} {1.571174} \approx 4155$

That is, it is correct within a $4000$th part, but not a $5000$th part.
