Henry Ernest Dudeney/Puzzles and Curious Problems/189 - Problem of the Extra Cell

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Puzzles and Curious Problems by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $189$

Problem of the Extra Cell

Here is a fallacy that is widely known but imperfectly explained.

Doubtless many readers will recognize it, and some of them have probably been not a little perplexed.
In diagram $A$ the square representing a chessboard is cut into $4$ pieces along the dark lines,
and these four pieces are seen re-assembled in Diagram $B$.
But in $A$ we have $64$ of these little squares, whereas in $B$ we have $65$.
Where does the additional cell come from?
Examine it carefully and see if you can discover whether it is really possible that you can increase the size of a slice of bread and butter
merely by cutting it into pieces and putting them together again differently.

Click here for solution

Also see
