Henry Ernest Dudeney/Puzzles and Curious Problems/197 - Economical Dissection/Solution

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Puzzles and Curious Problems by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $197$

Economical Dissection
Take a block of wood $8$ units long by $4$ units wide by $3 \tfrac 3 4$ units deep.
How many pieces, each measuring $2 \tfrac 1 2$ by $1 \tfrac 1 2$ by $1 \tfrac 1 4$ can be cut out of it?


Even though the volume of the block is enough to make $25$ pieces, you can in fact make only $24$.
Reduce the length of the block by half a unit.
The smaller piece off the end cannot be used.
Then cut the larger piece into $3$ slabs, each $1 \tfrac 1 4$ units thick.
Eight blocks can then be cut from each slab.
