Henry Ernest Dudeney/Puzzles and Curious Problems/25 - Flooring Figures

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Puzzles and Curious Problems by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $25$

Flooring Figures
A correspondent accidentally discovered the following when making out an invoice with the items:
$148 \ \mathrm {ft.}$ flooring boards at $2 \oldpence$ $\pounds 1, 4 \shillings 8 \oldpence$
$150 \ \mathrm {ft.}$ flooring boards at $2 \oldpence$ $\pounds 1, 5 \shillings 0 \oldpence$
where it will be seen that in each case the three digits are repeated in the same order.
He thought this coincidence so extraordinary that he tried to find another similar case.
This seems to have floored him. But it is possible.
You may increase the number of pence if you like, but not use fractions of a penny.

Click here for solution
