Henry Ernest Dudeney/Puzzles and Curious Problems/317 - The Archery Match/Solution

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Puzzles and Curious Problems by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $317$

The Archery Match
On a target on which the scoring was $40$ for the bull's-eye, and $39$, $24$, $23$, $17$ and $16$ respectively for the rings from the centre outwards, as shown in the diagram,
three players had a match with six arrows each.
The result was:
Miss Dora Talbot: $120$ points;
Reggie Watson, $110$ points;
Mrs. Finch, $100$ points.
Every arrow scored, and the bull's-eye was only once hit.
Can you, from these facts, determine the exact six hits made by each competitor?


Mrs. Finch scored $100$ with four $17$s and two $16$s.

Reggie Watson scored $110$ with two $23$s and four $16$s.

Miss Dora Talbot scored $120$ with one $40$ and five $16$s.

There are other ways to make $120$, but only one which uses the bull's-eye.

This is the only way the bull's-eye can be used and still fit the constraints of the question.
