Henry Ernest Dudeney/Puzzles and Curious Problems/51 - Sharing the Apples/Solution

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Puzzles and Curious Problems by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $51$

Sharing the Apples
Eight children had a basket containing $32$ apples.
They divided them amongst themselves as follows:
Anne got one apple,
Mary two,
Jane three,
and Kate four.
Ned Smith took as many as his sister,
Tom Brown twice as many as his sister,
Bill Jones three times as many as his sister,
and Jack Robinson four times as many as his sister.
What are the full names of the girls?


Ned Smith and his sister Jane took $3$ and $3$ respectively.
Tom and Kate Brown took $8$ and $4$ respectively.
Bill and Anne Jones took $3$ and $1$ respectively.
Jack and Mary Robinson took $8$ and $2$ respectively.


This is exactly the same problem as $38$ - The Picnic from the same collection.

