Henry Ernest Dudeney/Puzzles and Curious Problems/66 - Meeting Trains

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Puzzles and Curious Problems by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $66$

Meeting Trains
At Wurzeltown Junction an old lady put her her head out of the window and shouted:
"Guard! how long will the journey be from here to Mudville?"
"All the trains take five hours ma'am, either way," replied the official.
"And how many trains shall I meet on the way?"
This absurd question tickled the guard, but he was ready with his reply:
"A train leaves Wurzletown for Mudville, and also one from Mudville to Wurzletown, at five minutes past every hour. Right away!"
The old lady induced one of her fellow passengers to work out the answer for her.
What is the correct number of trains?

Click here for solution
