Henry Ernest Dudeney/Puzzles and Curious Problems/80 - A Little Train Puzzle/Solution

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Puzzles and Curious Problems by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $80$

A Little Train Puzzle
A non-stop express going sixty miles an hour starts from Bustletown for Ironchester,
and another non-stop express going forty miles an hour starts at the same time from Ironchester for Bustletown.
How far apart are they exactly an hour before they meet?
As I have failed to find these cities on any map or in any gazetteer, I cannot state the distance between them,
so we will just assume that it is somewhere over $250$ miles.


$100$ miles.


The first train is $1$ hour away from the meeting place, which at $60$ miles per hour is $60$ miles away.

The second train is also $1$ hour away from the meeting place, which at $60$ miles per hour is $40$ miles away.

$40$ miles plus $60$ miles is $100$ miles.

