Henry Ernest Dudeney/Puzzles and Curious Problems/95 - Beeswax

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Puzzles and Curious Problems by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $95$

The word BEESWAX represents a number in a criminal's secret code,
but the police had no clue until they discovered among his papers the following sum:
 E A S E B S B S X
 B P W W K S E T Q
 K P E P W E K K Q
The detectives assumed that it was an addition sum, and utterly failed to solve it.
Then one man hit on the brilliant idea that perhaps it was a case of subtraction.
This proved to be correct, and by substituting a different figure for each letter, so that it worked out correctly,
they obtained the secret code.
What number does BEESWAX represent?

Click here for solution
