Image under Left-Total Relation is Empty iff Subset is Empty

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Let $\RR \subseteq S \times T$ be a left-total relation.

Let $A \subseteq S$.


$\RR \sqbrk A = \O$ if and only if $A = \O$


Necessary Condition

We prove the contrapositive statement:

$A \ne \O \implies \RR \sqbrk A \ne \O$

Let $s \in A$.

By definition of left-total relation:

$\exists t \in T : \tuple{s, t} \in R$

By definition of image:

$\exists t \in T : t \in \RR \sqbrk A$


$\RR \sqbrk A \ne \O$

The result follows from Rule of Transposition.


Sufficient Condition

Follows immediately from Image of Empty Set is Empty Set.
