Infinite Set is Equivalent to Proper Subset/Proof 2

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A set is infinite if and only if it is equivalent to one of its proper subsets.


Let $S$ be a set.

Suppose $S$ is finite.

From No Bijection between Finite Set and Proper Subset we have that $S$ can not be equivalent to one of its proper subsets.

Suppose $S$ is infinite.

From Infinite Set has Countably Infinite Subset, we can construct $v: \N \to S$ such that $v$ is an injection.

We now construct the mapping $h: S \to S$ as follows.

$\map h x = \begin {cases}

\map v {n + 1} & : \exists n \in \N: x = \map v n \\ x & : x \notin \Img v \end {cases}$

It is clear that $h$ is an injection.

But we have that $\map v 0 \notin \Img h$ and so $\Img h \subsetneq S$.

The result follows from Injection to Image is Bijection.

