Line from Vertex of Triangle to Incenter is Angle Bisector

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Let $\triangle ABC$ be a triangle.

Let $D$ be a point in the interior of $\triangle ABC$.


$AD$ is the angle bisector of $A$
$BD$ is the angle bisector of $B$
$CD$ is the angle bisector of $C$

if and only if:

$D$ is the incenter of $\triangle ABC$.



Necessary Condition

Let $D$ be the incenter of $\triangle ABC$.

Let $E$, $F$ and $G$ be the points on $AB$, $BC$ and $AC$ tangent to the incircle $\bigcirc EFG$ of $\triangle ABC$.

We have that:

$ED = DF$, as both equal the radius of $\bigcirc EFG$
$\angle BED = \angle BFD$, a right angle
$BD$ is common.

From Pythagoras's Theorem we have that:

\(\ds BD^2\) \(=\) \(\ds DE^2 + EB^2\) Pythagoras's Theorem
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds DF^2 + FB^2\) Pythagoras's Theorem
\(\ds \leadsto \ \ \) \(\ds EB\) \(=\) \(\ds FB\) algebra

Hence by Triangle Side-Side-Side Congruence:

$\triangle EBD = \triangle FBD$


$\angle EBD = \angle FBD$

and it is seen that $BD$ is the angle bisector of $B$.

By the same reasoning, mutatis mutandis:

$AD$ is the angle bisector of $A$


$CD$ is the angle bisector of $C$.

Hence the result.


Sufficient Condition


$AD$ be the angle bisector of $A$
$BD$ be the angle bisector of $B$
$CD$ be the angle bisector of $C$

It follows from Inscribing Circle in Triangle that $D$ is the incenter of $\triangle ABC$.
