Lowest Common Multiple of Integers/Examples

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Examples of Lowest Common Multiples of Integers

$6$ and $15$

The lowest common multiple of $6$ and $15$ is:

$\lcm \set {6, 15} = 30$

$-12$ and $30$

The lowest common multiple of $-12$ and $30$ is:

$\lcm \set {-12, 30} = 60$

$25$ and $30$

The lowest common multiple of $25$ and $30$ is:

$\lcm \set {25, 30} = 150$

$42$ and $49$

The lowest common multiple of $42$ and $49$ is:

$\lcm \set {42, 49} = 294$

$27$ and $81$

The lowest common multiple of $27$ and $81$ is:

$\lcm \set {27, 81} = 81$

$28$ and $29$

The lowest common multiple of $28$ and $29$ is:

$\lcm \set {28, 29} = 812$

$3$, $9$ and $11$

The lowest common multiple of $3$, $9$ and $11$ is:

$\lcm \set {3, 9, 11} = 99$

$7$, $9$, $12$ and $14$

The lowest common multiple of $7$, $9$, $12$ and $14$ is:

$\lcm \set {7, 9, 12, 14} = 252$

$n$ and $n + 1$

The lowest common multiple of $n$ and $n + 1$ is:

$\lcm \set {n, n + 1} = n \paren {n + 1}$

$2 n - 1$ and $2 n + 1$

The lowest common multiple of $2 n - 1$ and $2 n + 1$ is:

$\lcm \set {2 n - 1, 2 n + 1} = 4 n^2 - 1$