Natural Numbers under Addition form Inductive but not Strictly Inductive Semigroup

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Let $\struct {\N, +}$ denote the algebraic structure consisting of the set of natural numbers $\N$ under addition $+$.

Then $\struct {\N, +}$ forms an inductive semigroup, but not a strictly inductive semigroup


Recall the definition of inductive semigroup:

Let $\struct {S, \circ}$ be a semigroup.

Let there exist $\alpha, \beta \in S$ such that the only subset of $S$ containing both $\alpha$ and $x \circ \beta$ whenever it contains $x$ is $S$ itself.

That is:

$\exists \alpha, \beta \in S: \forall A \subseteq S: \paren {\alpha \in A \land \paren {\forall x \in A: x \circ \beta \in A} } \implies A = S$

Then $\struct {S, \circ}$ is an inductive semigroup.

Recall the definition of strictly inductive semigroup:

Let there exist $\beta \in S$ such that the only subset of $S$ containing both $\beta$ and $x \circ \beta$ whenever it contains $x$ is $S$ itself.

$\exists \beta \in S: \forall A \subseteq S: \paren {\beta \in S \land \paren {\forall x \in A: x \circ \beta \in A} } \implies A = S$

Then $\struct {S, \circ}$ is a strictly inductive semigroup.

The natural numbers $\N$ can be considered as a naturally ordered semigroup.

From Naturally Ordered Semigroup is Unique, $\struct {\N, +}$ is unique up to isomorphism.

Hence from Naturally Ordered Semigroup forms Peano Structure, $\N$ is a Peano structure.

Let $S$ be a subset of $\N$.

Then by Peano's Axiom $\text P 5$: Principle of Mathematical Induction:

$\paren {0 \in S \land \paren {\forall z \in S: z + 1 \in S} } \implies S = \N$

The latter condition is that which defines an inductive semigroup, where $0$ is identified with $\alpha$ and $1$ with $\beta$.

However, there is no element in $\struct {\N, +}$ which can be identified with $\beta$ in the definition of strictly inductive semigroup.

Indeed, the element $0$ can be expressed in the form $x \circ 1$ for any $x$.

