Odd Function Times Even Function is Odd

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Let $X \subset \R$ be a symmetric set of real numbers:

$\forall x \in X: -x \in X$

Let $f: X \to \R$ be an odd function.

Let $g: X \to \R$ be an even function.

Let $f \cdot g$ denote the pointwise product of $f$ and $g$.

Then $\paren {f \cdot g}: X \to \R$ is an odd function.


\(\ds \map {\paren {f \cdot g} } {-x}\) \(=\) \(\ds \map f {-x} \cdot \map g {-x}\) Definition of Pointwise Multiplication of Real-Valued Functions
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \paren {-\map f x} \cdot \map g x\) Definition of Odd Function and Definition of Even Function
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds -\map f x \cdot \map g x\)
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds -\map {\paren {f \cdot g} } x\) Definition of Pointwise Multiplication of Real-Valued Functions

Thus, by definition, $\paren {f \cdot g}$ is an odd function.


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