Offset URM Program is Primitive Recursive

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There exists a primitive recursive function $\operatorname {Offset} : \N^2 \to \N$ such that, for $e, k \in \N$:

  • If $e$ codes a URM program $P$, then $\map {\operatorname {Offset} } {e, k}$ codes a program $P'$, with the following properties:
$(1): \quad$ Every basic instruction of $P'$ with line number $i \in \closedint 1 k$ is $\map C {0,0}$.
$(2): \quad$ Every Jump instruction in $P'$ is of the form $\map J {m,n,q}$, where $q > k$.
$(3): \quad$ $P$ and $P'$ compute the same function.


The basic instructions of $P'$ will be defined as:

$P'_i = \begin{cases}

\map C {1,1} & : i \le k \\ P_{i - k} & : i > k \land P_{i - k} \notin \texttt {Jump} \\ \map J {m,n,q + k} & : i > k \land P_{i - k} = \map J {m,n,q} \end{cases}$

Property $(1)$ holds by the first case.

Property $(2)$ holds as each Jump instruction has $q > 0$ by definition, so $q + k > k$ follows.

For Property $(3)$, compare the $j$-th stage of $P$ to the $j + k$-th of $P'$.

Fix the input values for the registers.

By induction, show that, if the $j$-th stage of $P$ has instruction pointer $i$, then the $j + k$-th stage of $P'$ has instruction pointer $i + k$ and exactly the same register values.

As each $\map C {1,1}$ instruction does not change the values of the registers, the $k$-th stage of $P'$ has the same register values as the $0$-th stage of $P$, when the inputs are the same.

Additionally, since the instruction pointers are $1$ and $1 + k$, respectively, the basis for the induction is satisfied.

Now, suppose the hypothesis holds.

Since the instruction pointer for $P'$ is $i + k > k$, the first case of the definition of $P'_{i + k}$ does not hold.

If $P_i \notin \texttt {Jump}$, then $P$ and $P'$ execute the same instruction on the same register values, resulting in the same register values once again.

The instruction pointers then proceed to $i + 1$ and $i + 1 + k$, respectively.

If $P_i = \map J {m,n,q} \in \texttt {Jump}$, then $P'_{i + k} = \map J {m,n,q + k}$.

If $R_m = R_n$ in $P$, then the same holds in $P'$ by assumption.

In that case, then, the next instruction pointers are $q$ and $q + k$, respectively.

If $R_m \ne R_n$, the same holds, and the instruction pointers become $i + 1$ and $i + 1 + k$.

In every case, it can be seen that the induction hypothesis is satisfied for $j + 1$.

Thus, by Principle of Mathematical Induction, the same holds for every state.

Therefore, either both $P$ and $P'$ output the same value, or they both fail to terminate.

Thus, Property $(3)$ holds.


The above definition for $P'_i$ can be regarded as a function $\map I {e,k,i}$ that produces the code for $P'_i$.

That function is primitive recursive by:

Thus, the function $\operatorname {Offset}$ is given by:

$\map {\operatorname {Offset} } {e,k} = \begin{cases}

\prod_{i = 1}^{\map {\operatorname {len} } e + k} {\map p i}^{\map I {e,k,i} } & : e \in \texttt{Prog} \\ 0 & : \text {otherwise} \end{cases}$ which is primitive recursive by:
