Path in Tree is Unique/Sufficient Condition/Proof 1

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Let $T$ be a graph.

Let $T$ be such that between every pair of distinct vertices of $T$ there exists exactly one path.

Then $T$ is a tree.


Let $T$ be such that between every pair of distinct vertices of $T$ there exists exactly one path.

Then a priori $T$ is connected.

Suppose $T$ had a circuit, say $\tuple {u, u_1, u_2, \ldots, u_n, v, u}$.

Then there are two paths from $u$ to $v$:

$\tuple {u, u_1, u_2, \ldots, u_n, v}$


$\tuple {u, v}$

Hence, by Modus Tollendo Tollens, $T$ can have no circuits.

That is, by definition, $T$ is a tree.

