Propositiones ad Acuendos Juvenes/Problems/1 - De Limace

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Propositiones ad Acuendos Juvenes by Alcuin of York: Problem $1$

De Limace
A Slug
A leech invited a slug for lunch a leuca away.
But he could only walk an inch a day.
How many days will he have to walk for his meal?


$90 \, 000$ days, or $246$ years and $210$ days.

(This does not take into account leap years, as it assumes a year of strictly $365$ days.)


It is understood that there are:

$1500$ paces to a leuca
$60$ inches to a pace.

Hence there are $90 \, 000$ inches to a leuca.

Thus at $1$ inch per day, it will take the slug $90 \, 000$ days to arrive for his meal.

