Propositiones ad Acuendos Juvenes/Problems/9 - De Sago

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Propositiones ad Acuendos Juvenes by Alcuin of York: Problem $9$

De Sago
A Cloak
I have a cloak, $100$ cubits long and $80$ cubits wide.
I wish to make small cloaks with it, each small cloak $5$ cubits long and $4$ cubits wide.
How many small cloaks can I make?




It is assumed there is no cloth spent on hems, and the making of a small cloak consists of little more than cutting a piece of cloth to the required size.

We have that:

$5$ goes into $100$ a total of $20$ times
$4$ goes into $80$ also a total of $20$ times.

Thus the cloth can be cut into $20 \times 20 = 400$ pieces that are $5$ cubits long and $4$ cubits wide.


Historical Note

According to the translator John Hadley, the explanation for the answer given in the original manuscript was "not enlightening".

It is supposed that a scribe may have skipped a line when transcribing it.

The text as given by Bede makes little sense:

The eightieth part of $400$ is $5$ and the hundredth part of $400$ is $4$.
Both eighty $5$s and one hundred $4$s give the same result, $400$.
There are that many cloaks.
